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the employment of chloroform in the treatment of primitive ulcers, either soft or indurated. Dr. Maneesco Accettella instituted a series of experiments which plainly convinced him of the few indications of this preparation in the cure of venereal ulcers. He says : While busying myself with Buy Lipitor similar experiments, Liebreich published his observations on hydrate of chloral as actively hypnotic and anaesthetic. From that time I commenced to adopt that preparation as a local remedy, in concentrated solution, upon ulcers of such ancient date that neither the acid nitrate of mercury, nor the Lipitor Purchase carbo- sulphuric paste, nor other efficient caustics, had been able to effect a cure. The effects greatly exceeded all my expec- tations. After the first application the deep parts of the ulcer became detached, healthy and normal granulations sprang up, and the ulcer was transformed into a simple sore, with the usual tendency to Online Lipitor cicatrization. In sixty-nine cases in which I applied the chloral topically, the following re- Lipitor Online sults were obtained : seven ulcerated and obstinate abrasions healed in nine to sixteen days ; forty-nine soft ulcers, in from eight to fourteen days ; three soft ulcers, complicated with diphtheria, in eighteen to twenty-nine days ; live soft ulcers, complicated with phagedoeua, in twenty-four to thirty-two days; five primitive infectious ulcers, in fifteen to twenty days. Among the cases of phagedenic ulcers it is necessary MISCELLANEOUS Al^iTD SCIElfTIFIC ISTOTES. 425 to note two, which, for twelve or fifteen months had resisted all local and general Buy Lipitor Cheap treatment, although the two women afifected had the most fresh and florid constitutions. The solution employed was as follows : chloral hydrate five gram., aqua destil., gram, twenty. This, applied with a pencil to the ulcerated surface, slightly cauterizes, without producing discomfort to the patient. After two or Lipitor 20mg three applications all Order Lipitor unhealthy appearance at the bottom of the ulcer disappears, and the sore presents a bright redness which soon produces the most healthy granulations. A considerably diluted solution should be adopted for the cure of abrasions and simple ulcers. Yenereal therapeutics Buy Cheap Lipitor may therefore wel- come the chloral as a topical remedy, par excelleiice, in the gravest form of ulceration, the phagedenic. Taenia following the Use of Eaw Beef. [Levi, Giornal. veneio d. Scien. Mediche, ser. iii., tome xiv.] — In an essay read before the Venice Athenseum, Dr. Levi gives his experience with the frequent occurrence of taenia after the use of raw beef. This communication is the more deserving of the notice of prac- tical physicians, since they are daily in a position to order raw beef as a medicament in the various forms of tuberculous Lipitor Order dis- ease, and also since the writer suggests the means by which this untoward event may be avoided. The most important portions of this exceedingly instructive article are as follows : Thirty years ago. Prof. Weisse, of St. Petersburg, advised the use of finely-shredded beef as a most efi'ective remedy against the chronic diarrhoea of infants. Trousseau confirmed the beneficial results of the treatment, and after him many other physicians of repute. Purchase Lipitor Online The remedy is now known and recognized by physicians everywhere, and indeed not only in the cases of children, but also for adults in the most varied diseases connected with a wasting of the tissues, and especial- ly pulmonary consumption. Dr. Levi reports in detail nine cases which lie had observed in the course of a year, and in which, after the use of raw Cheap Lipitor beef, taenia had developed. Two species of taenia occur in the human body ; the tenia solium iarmatd) whose scolex is found under the name of cysticercus suinus in the muscles of the hog ; and the taenia mediocanellata 426 MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIENTIFIC NOTES. {inerims), Avliose scolex resides exclusively in the muscles of the bovine race. All the taenia which Dr. Levi met with in his patients belonged to the species mediocauellata. Dr. Levi adduces another series of cases, recently observed by Yenetian physicians, of taenia after the use of raw beef, which, with his own, reach the number of twenty-four, a number which ap- pears fully sufficient to prove the occurrence beyond a doubt. Levi comes to the conclusion that raw beef, however effective its action may be, should not be ordered, since the usual reme- dies against tape-worm are not always effective, and the same at times produce serious digestive disorders and affections of the intestines, from which the patient recovers with difficulty. He prefers, therefore, to administer the raw flesh of chickens, in which, thus far, cysticerci have not been discovered, al- though in the intestines of fowls several species of Lipitor Cheap taenia {in- fimdihuliformisjproglottina, crassula, onalleus) occm-. Worm-Abscesses, so called. — A woman, fifty years old, pre- sented on her admission into the hospital at Freysing, in the right ileo-inguinal region as far as Poupart's ligament, a some- what resistant, sharply-defined, immovable tumor, lying di- rectly beneath the skin, Cheap Lipitor Online giving pain, on pressure, on move- ment, and also spontaneously. There were, at the same time, constipation and vomiting. This condition had continued four da^^s. In Lipitor Buy Online the course of about two weeks the tumor broke Purchase Lipitor of itself, and there flowed Order Lipitor Online from it pus and living thread-worm. From time to time there flowed also a yellowish, slimy, stringy fluid, and a development of intestinal gases was also noticed from the wound. Hence the diagnosis was, perforation of the intestines. Finally the wound healed up, and the woman recovered. This case would formerly have been reckoned as a so-called worm-abscess, with the theory that the worm had perforated the intestinal walls. Such a theory is combated to-day for the following reasons : When worms Lipitor Mg are found in the abdominal cavity through abscess of the abdominal walls, or when they Lipitor Buy pass through the vagina or bladder, we assume to-day (after Bamberger and others), either that a passage has already been opened by ulceration or softening, which the

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